segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

domingo, 30 de março de 2014

Elle Macpherson comemora 50 anos!

Elle Macpherson Street Style
Elle Macpherson - love the style
Elle Macpherson--wish i could pull this off. maybe in my prepreggers bod.
Elle Macpherson
The natural, earth tone, low maintenance look, sun kissed, very tan, blonde, casual Texas style straw summer hat! Flawless & perfect!  Elle Macpherson
Elle Macpherson
Elle MacPherson - Have always loved her beachy style, not to mention she's 48 and rocks it
elle macpherson - one of my favorites. love the simple tee with the glitzy pants.

A modelo australiana, "top model", apelidada de "O corpo", Elle Macpherson celebrou o seu 50º aniversário este sábado, dia 29 de março. Quem diria?

The Australian model, 'supermodel' Elle Macpherson celebrated its 50th anniversary this Saturday, March 29. Who believes?

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014